
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate citizenship dictates that we respond to our duty to transform lives and improve livelihoods by ensuring that the business uses the environment responsibly so that the future generations have a clean and safe environment. We have over the past year been engaged in various community programs that transformed the lives of millions of Zimbabweans. We took it upon ourselves to join our Government in the fight against COVID-19.

We joined hands with our sister company TelOne (Private) Limited and refurbished wards at Sally Mugabe and Mpilo Hospitals. We refurbished the Beatrice Infectious Hospital and drilled boreholes at the three hospitals to alleviate water shortages. Further, the companies donated a consortium of PPE to health facilities in support of our frontline workers. Pursuing the goal of a clean and safe environment, the company participated in various environmental drives like tree planting and the national clean -up campaigns. Various activities to empower the youth as well as improve the quality of the education in the country were undertaken. NetOne Cellular (Private) Limited put smiles on the faces of the less privileged and donated to Jairos Jiri Centre in Masvingo. We pledge our continued support to the Zimbabwean family as we work together to transform the lives of citizens.


NetOne CSR Pillars

Provider of cutting edge
telecommunication solutions